Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Jesus was biased.


        Jesus was a knock-me-down, full-blown, save-kitty-from-the-tree-being-hugged, give-all-your-money-away, turn-the-other-cheek, bleeding-heart LIBERAL!

        The New Testament cannot be preached without presenting the LIBERAL view of Jesus. Well, it can be but it won’t be an accurate representation. Jesus put love and caring for the poor, the sick, the downtrodden, the infirm, the immigrant first. He put Love first. He was a full blown turn-the-other cheek liberal. He hung out with the wretched dregs of society. He did NOT preach a prosperity gospel. He never said a word against gay people. NOT. ONE. WORD. He wasn’t a racist. He didn’t discriminate. He walked everywhere most of the time. Well, there was that donkey that he rode once.

        I’m talking about Jesus.

        There’s all that Beatitudes scripture just full of liberal pronouncements. I’m not going to even bother with listing all those far out pronouncements of a LIBERAL mentality.

Not a good businessman!

        He was biased. He said some off the wall Liberal stuff and did some really liberal things. He fed 5,000 people and didn’t charge for the meal! Seriously. Didn’t even ask for donations. Didn’t hawk hats.

        His church wasn’t a profit center. Okay, he really didn’t have a physical church home so this may not be a fair comparison. There were people meeting in buildings though, helping getting Christianity off the ground.

        He wasn’t a profit center. He had his apostle followers just walk off the job without any increase in monetary benefits. He didn’t say, “Follow me and you’ll make a lot of money and I’ll even throw in medical!” BTW he didn’t even have sense enough to charge for bringing back the dead or miraculously healing people. Can you imagine? With a talent like that he could have made a fortune.

        As near as I can tell he didn’t even have any extra robes to wear. What did he do with his income anyway? He sure didn’t spend it on clothes or shoes. He did seem to eat out a lot. I just can’t see him picking up the check though. He did have that creating food out of thin air talent mentioned above.

        The man really did not know how to make a buck even though he was into franchising. He was into busting up the temple franchising. So there’s that at least. It only helps to knock out the competition if you have something to monetize.

Jesus money

        “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." Jesus said that.

        The people below did NOT get that memo!

Estimated worth.

Ω Franklin Graham:  $10 million

Ω Joel Osteen:  $40 million

Ω Rick Warren:  $25 million

Ω Paula White: $5 million (Her market share will increase now with her White House cred.)

Ω Pat Robertson:  $100 million

Ω Joyce Meyer:  $8 million

Ω T. D. Jakes:  $25 million

Ω Benny Hinn:  $60 million

Ω Kenneth Copeland:  $300 million

Ω Creflo Dollar:  $27 million. (No, I did not make that name up.)

Ω Jim Baker:  Less than $ million. (How the mighty have fallen. But he’s making a comeback!)

        Whew, I’m glad that I got that off my chest. It needed to be said.


        You know what would really help? Paying attention to what Jesus said and did. Think about what Jesus would say and do during difficult times like these. He lived in some difficult times. They did him in. Politicians and religious leaders like those surrounding and supporting Trump got him. Yes, Jesus did use some unsavory people. But when he used them, when they found a higher purpose—they changed! They became better people. They treated their fellow human beings better.

        The Pharisees of today are trying to tell us that the tweet storming name calling petty grudge having lying pathetic caricature of a man is God’s Chosen One and is being used by God to serve a greater purpose. If you believe such nonsense then you should recognize that God sent a plague to the man you worship.

        Jesus lived as a common man. He had grace and eloquence under pressure. He was fair. He was just. He said and lived a better way. He wasn’t a racist. He would not have thought it a good idea to separate families and put children in cages. Jesus would not have been claiming his Constitutional right to endanger and kill people. He would not be a multi-millionaire. He would more than likely have a street ministry and be taking care of the poor and homeless. He wouldn’t be telling people to give their money to millionaires. Jesus would be saying feed the hungry and he would not be saying BUT only if they have the right papers. Jesus is a globalist. Jesus is a Universalist.

 Make Jesus Great Again.